Germany has been sourcing a large proportion of its coal from Colombia for many years. But there is blood on this coal, a lot of blood and even more tears. El Samario, a former soldier in the paramilitary units, talks about the countless murders he has carried out on behalf of international coal suppliers. A spiral of violence has been going on in Colombia for years, from which not only the companies but also we benefit.
The film sheds light on a dark chapter of Colombian everyday life, which is closely linked to ours, and provides deep insights into the psyche of a contract killer. What led him to commit his deeds and how he deals with his memories and feelings of guilt.
Can you forgive a murderer - and can a murderer forgive himself?
Director: Christopher Stöckle & Paola Tamayo
Music: Marc Stöckle
Sound design: Marc Fragstein
Producers: Dominik Utz & Martin Schwimmer
Editor: Marcus Vetter
Production: DOMAR Film GmbH in co-production with SWR with the support of MFG Filmförderung
Nominated for the German Documentary Film Award 2021
Nominated for the Granit Documentary Film Award at the Hof International Film Festival 2020